
A change is approaching!

My original intention of this site was to spread the word on Edward Leedsklanin's magnetic current and to provide interesting observations on coral castle and things related to magnetic current.  I have come to realise when speaking to people on the topic that most of my original illustrations are not accessible any longer.  I always intended to re-illustrate them with corrections , so my apologies if you purchased anybodys publications that have my incorrect illustrations in them. I plan to re-do this whole site - or link it to a new site. And whilst blogger has worked well it might be time to use another platform. Where I will start from is the very beginning ... page.1 and move on from there. With your help and observations I will make corrections where necessary. I hope everyone gets involved in following and doing the experiments for themselves. Stay tuned..

R.L.Poole and ED's "Astronomical Model"

Another great video by R.LPoole explaining EDL's hidden schematics that make his PMD an open circuit rather than a closed one. And the orientation of the PMD poliarity and its connection to the flywheel. Worth watching!

That small box?

What was it? is this the same box that's mounted on the tripod ?

Magnetic Motors and Generators

What was ED's flywheel? Generator? Induction charger? Homopolar motor?

60-70 volts from this little motor

1 small battery , 2 coils connected to it and pointing at a small motor, when the motor is spun the coils continue to spin the motor, out measurement is 68 volts. Does the capacitor play any part? This also reminded me of Eds flywheel at rock gate. " Suppose you had a wheel and many coils around the wheel turning, then you would. be making all kinds of light. Do not make the machine, I already have the application for patent in the Patent Office. I made ten different machines to make magnetic currents, but I found this combination between field magnets and coils the most efficient. " EDL

3D printed magnet motor

You can also do this experiment if you have access to a 3D printer


Inside a microwave oven is a magnetron it helps generate microwaves by emitting electrons? mmm as Ed would say where are these electrons? We know a microwave works but are we misunderstanding how it really works maybe Ed would think so. " Protons and Electrons --- Are you sure they are not the north and south pole individual magnets?" " The invention of an electron came by a tricky method in using electricity in a vacuum tube. Normally whether it be a generator or a battery, the positive terminal will have to be connected to the negative terminal, but in the vacuum tube two batteries with different strength were used, the smaller battery was connected normally, but the larger battery's negative terminal was connected to the smaller battery's negative terminal, and the positive terminal was left alone. That connection gave the negative terminal a double dose of strength, and so it became hotter and could push more. It was called cathode and the...